
Still Smiling

Pauine Hauls in Another One

Catch of the Day

Anchoring Out

Rolling into San Jan on the Backs of 10 ft Seas

Finishing up the job after dark

Welcome to our Website: Adventures of the Wasatch. This is our story of sailing around the world. Pauline and I have been cruising now for a good part of our lives, although we have only been cruising together since 2010. I started from Marina Del Rey in 2007. After having cruised down the Baja to Puerto Vallarta with crew and staying in Mexico for a year, I continued in November of 2008 sometimes with crew, but mostly single handing down the coast of Central America, across the South Pacific, and down to New Zealand. I then headed up to Fiji where Pauline, an Australian, joined the Wasatch. She came to crew for a couple of months, but things worked out and we have been sailing together ever since. From Fiji and Vanuatu, we headed back down to Whagerei, New Zealand to sit out the 2010-11 cyclone season. Then we headed on up to the Marshal Islands in the North Pacific, across Micronesia, and over to the Philippines. We stayed a bit too long in the Philippines and got caught in Typhoon Haiyan, the largest typhoon ever to hit land at that time. But with a little skill and a lot of luck, the Wasatch, Pauline, and I came through relatively unscathed. We then made our way south to Kota Kinabalu, where Pauline kept her boat,” Shadow of Lorelei”, a 41 ft Lord Nelson. By this time Pauline had decided to move onto the Wasatch permanently, and to sell her boat. After having the Lord Nelson on the market for nearly a year in Kota Kinabalu, we decided to sail her boat back to Australia. Although a well-found cruising sailboat, by this time the Lord Nelson had developed a severe case of marine-boatitis, and it was a major adventure sailing the Lord Nelson back to Australia to be sold. First, we had boat problems. The batteries died, the autopilot broke, the steering cable broke, and the genoa and the mainsail ripped. We got most of these repaired in Surigao, except for the autopilot. However, through some improvisation, i.e. hand steering, resurrecting her old deteriorated Monitor wind vane, and a small tiller autopilot we got the Lord Nelson to Australia where she quickly found a new owner. Pauline and I then flew back to the Wasatch, which was now in Miri, Borneo, and began continuing west, over to Singapore, and then up the Malacca Straight to Phuket, Thailand. We then had a decision to make as to whether to go up through the Red Sea or down around South Africa. Although by 2016, the piracy in the Red Sea had started to settle down a bit, we decided to go around South Africa. So, we continued to Sri Lanka, Cochin India, the Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, and on to South Africa. The Indian Ocean was perhaps the most challenging sailing that we have experience, particularly the passage from the Maldives to Rodrigues. The Wasatch, Pauline, and I got beat up on the 1500-mile passage with winds up to 45 kn and seas up to 15 ft, sometimes a bit higher, on a close-hauled course a good part of the way. Indeed, under the boisterous and harsh conditions, the Wasatch almost failed us with the autopilot failing, an electrical fire, and consequently the engine failing. But we made it to Rodrigues, negotiated a questionable reef strewn pass and anchored under sail in 25 kn. winds. The experiences we had and the sights we saw going around the South were some of the most spectacular. After the Indian Ocean and South Africa, the passage across the Atlantic was a “Walk in the Park” so to speak and we soon found ourselves in Trinidad, 2017, back in the Americas. In Trinidad Pauline and I decided to make our relationship official and we got married. From Trinidad we made our final leg to complete the Wasatch’s Circumnavigation in April of 2018. We are now in Jacksonville regrouping and planning on doing some land cruising through the US and North America.

When you reach the horizon, you're near your journey'a end.

Party Time

Wasatch Rolling at Anchor

Jerry Canning in La Cruz


Sitting Back and Enjoying the Ride

Rainbow's End

Still Smiling

Pauline Haul's in Another One

Catch of the Day

Anchoring Out

Rolling into San Juan on the Backs of 10 ft Seas

Party Time

Wasatch Rolling at Anchor

Jerry Canning in La Cruz


Sitting Back and Enjoying the Ride

Rainbow's End

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